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Welcome to my web site, its my first web site, but i will have more. This one in pertcually is about DragonBallZ, i think DBZ is the best show out there. And this site has all the rarest pictures you can find, like i have Ssj1 to Ssj11!! Iworked hard on this site, hope you like it, you can also share the pictures to other people!!!
DBZ is my favorite anami series but they are more series out there that i like and that you might like to, like Beyblade, Yu-Gi-OH, and more, you can find all of these sites if you go to, my favorite liks. |
DragonBallZ/GT/AF Info
Well DragonBallZ has three different series!! Most people dont know about them, so im going to tell you about them. In DragonBallZ there are there regular charecters like Goku,Gohan,Vegeta,ect., in DragonBall/GT they have different and knew charecters like, Brolly,Buubu,Kidbuu, and they can turn into Ssj4!! But DragonBall/AF, i think is the best out of all the serise, they have all the charecters from DBZ and AF!!, and they can also turn into Ssj5 and all the way to Ssj11!!! |
A little about me
Well i love DBZ, Yu-Gi-OH, and Beyblade. I have a g/f and shes the best. I love r/c cars, i like skateboarding, biking, baseball, and building ramps. But i really like to reserch for DBZ pictures, i have a lot so i thought i would make this web site for all the people that love looking at DBZ pictures. |